Run In Shed With Tack Room
Natural animal structure built to last, equipped with a storage tack room.
Our metal Run In Shed with a Tack Room provides much needed relief for your animals from the elements while offering unique storage options. This shed is built with metal siding and roofing while the flooring is braced for strength but natural.
- Withstands the elements
- Functional storage solution
- Run in sheds for horses, mules, goats, or other hoofed animals

- Tack Room
- 2×4 Pressure Treated Floor Joist
- 3/4″ BC Treated Plywood
- 36” Metal Door
- Run-In Opening
- 29 Gauge 40 yr warranty metal siding and roof
- 2×6 Kick-boards lining the inside 4′ high to protect walls
- 2×4 Rafters 36″ on center