Unique features benefiting thriving plants and providing a productive greenhouse shed environment.
Built with thriving plants in mind, our Greenhouse shed is equipped with plastic roofing and siding to let in maximum sunlight while also protecting plants from the weather and animals. Pressure-treated floors preserve the wood from the moisture of growing plants.
- Economical structure
- Ideal indoor plant environment
- High-quality unique structure

- 4″ x 6″ skids
- 2″ x 4″ floor joist (16’’ on center)
- 2″ x 6″ pressure-treated flooring
- 2″ x 4″ pressure-treated studs (24’’ on center)
- 2″ x 4″ lath on the outside of the studs
- 40 year metal siding 4’ high (multiple color options)
- Hard plastic (let sunlight in)
- Metal wainscoting
- 2″ x 4″ pressure-treated rafters
- 2″ x 4″ pressure-treated lath hard plastic (let sunlight in)